Co-creating blended
transformative learning tools
An invitation to collaborate on an evolving toolkit for (online) transformative learning.
Share your experience and knowledge with the world and become part of our informal community of practice.
Let’s host transformation, together.
What is the online toolkit about?
We believe that everyone has the right to shape the world with joy and ease. We put our love and care into this collection of facilitation methods to support you. The website is itself undergoing a process of deep transformation right now. After its relaunch this summer it will be a lot easier to find not only your contribution but also you profile, your organisation, if your have one, and your offers.
Why is it rewarding to share my knowledge about a method or methodology?
- You help people around the world to host their processes better.
- You will get relevant and helpful feedback from other facilitation experts.
- You become more visible, especially in regard to the contribution you made. Users of the site might even approach you to host this method for them or book a train the trainer seminar with you, if you offer it.
- You connect to (other) leading experts of transformative learning.
- You get up to date tipps on how to write a search engine optimized (SEO) text.
- You get a printed version of the book „A transformative Edge“ as a thank you.
What are the requirements?
- CC The method needs to be free to use under the creative commons licence. If your are unsure ask the origin. They are often happy if their method is shared. Downloadable materials need to be free to download, so that the method is doable. (If you have premium offers like supervisions or materials that need to be shipped lets talk.)
- Honor the origin and those who made major contributions to the method you choose.
- SEO We want your contribution to be found if someone searches for it. So we will help you to find the keywords that have the biggest chance for success and brief you on how to write a good contribution regarding these keywords.
How much work is it?
The amount of work depends a lot on the complexity of the method(ology) you choose and on your material you can draw from. The amount of text equals roughly 3 A4 pages. We also need some help from you in spreading the word once the method is published. It will take a few weeks to get your method on page 1 of googles search results but this is absolutely what we are aiming for. So be prepared for some hand in hand work with us also after the real work of writing the method is already done.
Is there a deadline?
Yes and no. For the BLAST project we want to have 20 to 30 methods online by the end of August 2021. But it is possible and desired to contribute method(ologie)s after that as well.
What methods are you looking for?
In general we are looking for anything that helps to host transformation. Right now our focus is on Blended Learning and Community of Practice. Have a look at this Miro-board to get inspired.
How is the process?
- Brainstorm on possible method(ologie)s and discussion on this miroboard.
- Make collectively a selection of entries we desire to trello. If someone has already committed to enter a method it will most likely end up in this selection.
- Transfer of a selection of entries we desire to this trello board.
- You commit to writing one (or more) of the items.
- We help you to define the SEO keywords.
- You write the first draft using this template.
- If you want to create downloadable materials create a seperate trello card for each material.
- Get feedback.
- Implement feedback.
- Language proofreading
- Uploading
- Spread the word on social media.
- Celebrate!
I am not an experienced facilitator. Am I qualified to enter a method?
Maybe. We definitely want lots of juicy experiences in our toolkit and writing about something you only read or heard about is not enough. But if your experience is from the perspective of a participant, that is also a good place to start. Ask an experienced facilitator to fill in your gaps. Lots of us are quite busy, but we are all really nice people and if you ask for experiences we made we are generally willing to give you an interview. Just be persistent. And please be specific with your questions :-). Maybe you can also find a co-author, then please make use of this brilliant learning opportunity.
How else can I contribute?
- You can become a co-author of a method that is already in the database and write something for its blended and online aspect, as this is a question we included later
- and/or develop downloadable materials where useful.
- Share your story of an experience with a method.
- Give feedback.
- Do the language proofread.
- If you have experience with wordpress or maybe even with toolset by types you are welcome to join the web-dev-team.
- Share this invitation with people you feel should have it.
- Fill in this questionaire on our offers.
- Nothing here for you, but you are still eager to help? Do not panic. We have just the right thing for you to make yourself useful. Just give us a call:
How do I get started?
The easiest way to start is to join one of our design sprints. The next one will be next week. The schedule is below. We would be thrilled to welcome you there.
Next online desing sprint: 11th to 12th of October 2021
The online design sprint has the aim to be productive together, even though we are all working from home right now. New faces are especially welcome.
We meet at Zoom for our daily check-in and -outs and the introduction on the first day.
Monday 11.10. 10:00 – 12:00 (all times CEST) and 16:00 – 17:00
Tuesday 12.10. 9:00 – 10:00 and 16:00 – 17:00
We use Slack to communicate in all other times
And one more sprint will be lined up soon.
Please leave your name and email, so we can invite you
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