This method is about opening up and daring to ask any kind of questions concerning your project/enterprise. You present your “problem” and your audience will bombard you with solutions on post-its.
The Business Model Canvas is a template for developing new or existing business models. It is a visual chart with elements describing a product’s or service’s value proposition, customers, and finances.
This method uses systems analysis and systems thinking approach to improve a group’s understanding of the relationships between various aspects related to the topic that the group is working on.
This is a facilitation method that serves to deepen the ideas or understanding of a certain issue by a group of people in a short period of time. It can also be used to generate a large number of ideas, alternatives or propositions.
A classic, effective ideation technique, best used if you already have something to build on: a situation, product, process you want to change or improve. The 62 questions in 9 clusters help you rethink what you took for granted and find better solutions.
In Coaching Dialogue, your partner asks you questions. By answering these questions you form a strategy of implementing solutions to achieve your aims.
Stakeholder Interviews are conducted by practitioners with their key stakeholders. The interviews allow you to step into the shoes of your interviewees and see your role through the eyes of these stakeholders.
When people set intentions at the beginning of a session, day, workshop, or project, powerful potential is unleashed. Participants simply identify what their aim is and the facilitator reminds them periodically to return to their intention.