Soft shoe shuffle is a group conversation in motion. It is an effective and energizing method for -sharing insights or discussing controversial topics in a group, -for group decision making -and to bring a fresh wind into encrusted conversation habits.
This method is about opening up and daring to ask any kind of questions concerning your project/enterprise. You present your “problem” and your audience will bombard you with solutions on post-its.
After a program, course, or project, the organizing team can use this method to reflect on each person’s role and effectiveness. A powerful tool for internal use amongst a team that has worked closely and trusts each other.
This method uses systems analysis and systems thinking approach to improve a group’s understanding of the relationships between various aspects related to the topic that the group is working on.
Tonglen is a powerful meditation practice central to Tibetan Buddhism. In this practice, one visualizes taking into oneself the suffering of others on the in-breath, and on the out-breath sending happiness and wellness to all sentient beings.
Systemic Consensus is a way of joint decision making. Its is a creative process for finding the greatest possible consensus among a group of people.
This flexible non-religious guided meditation can be a powerful attitude changer, sending well wishes to all beings.