This method is about opening up and daring to ask any kind of questions concerning your project/enterprise. You present your “problem” and your audience will bombard you with solutions on post-its.
In Coaching Dialogue, your partner asks you questions. By answering these questions you form a strategy of implementing solutions to achieve your aims.
When people set intentions at the beginning of a session, day, workshop, or project, powerful potential is unleashed. Participants simply identify what their aim is and the facilitator reminds them periodically to return to their intention.
A contemplative movement exercise inspired by the Cherokee prayer dance called the Dance of the Directions and by certain Tai Chi forms, this non-strenuous activity is balancing and connecting.
Prototyping translates an idea or a concept into experimental action. It is a way to create a microcosm that allows you to explore the future by doing. Prototypes work on the principle of “failing early to learn quickly.”