The Creative Uncommons is a fun exercise that generates a pool of ideas that can be used to support a variety of other creativity exercises. Participants are led through sense memories, write phrases on slips of paper, and pool them into a sort of database that can be drawn from later.
“Open Sentences” is an easy-to-lead interactive process in pairs. It is a structure for spontaneous expression and attentive listening. The Open Sentences Process helps explore a topic and often brings to light surprising thoughts, feelings, and new ideas.
Soft shoe shuffle is a group conversation in motion. It is an effective and energizing method for -sharing insights or discussing controversial topics in a group, -for group decision making -and to bring a fresh wind into encrusted conversation habits.
This fun and contemplative ideation technique helps generate ideas with depth. The Perspective Carousel is a holistic ideation approach that uses the power of constellation work, role play, and intuition to generate ideas from very different points of view.
This technique from Wolfgang and Eberhard Schnelle can be used as a facilitation method for groups and as a communication model. This technique develops opinions, builds a common understanding and objectives, and helps formulate recommendations and action plans to focus on a problem and its possible solutions.
Backcasting is an approach to planning innovation that is based on moving backwards from the vision to the present to explore its feasibility and implications. It can be done as a participatory process but it can also be used by an individual.
This is a facilitation method that serves to deepen the ideas or understanding of a certain issue by a group of people in a short period of time. It can also be used to generate a large number of ideas, alternatives or propositions.
Jar or box contains a collection of daily inspirational quotes. The quotes are printed on hand rolled, hand tied scrolls. Each scroll contains one inspirational message to read daily or when you need to get some inspiration.