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Visionautik Akademie

Vision and Mission:

We believe that everyone has the right to shape the world with joy and ease. The Visionautik Akademie supports people seeking to develop ambitious visions and put them into professional practice.

“I have had a remarkable and transformative experience on the Visionautic course, which has provided me with great practical support for the development of my new project ideas and has provided a wonderful, warm, joyful and creative supportive environment. I have also made many new friends.”

Jennifer Coyne, UK, Vision Creation and Implementation Lab, Winter 2011

“ The Academy of Visionautics provides a development platform, which is truly helpful for many people who do not see their vision yet, who do not believe in it or who do not know the way to realise it. ”

Reinhard Coppenrath, Vision Creation Lab, Summer 2010.

“The workshop should be attended with an open mind, but also an open heart. I began the workshop wanting to progress my project but was surprised to find myself in a position to develop my vision, to understand myself and my objectives.”

Christie Blandford, UK, Vision Creation and Implementation Lab, Winter 2011

[wp-svg-icons icon=”phone” wrap=”i”]0049163 6128507

[wp-svg-icons icon=”envelop” wrap=”i”] info@visionautik.de

[wp-svg-icons icon=”tag” wrap=”i”]http://www.visionautik.de

[wp-svg-icons icon=”location-2″ wrap=”i”]Görlitzer Straße 65, Berlin, Germany