Transformative Learning Practitioners

The Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership
“Building Capacity for Transformative Learning”


As knowledge takes the center stage of our economic growth, learning needs to provide ways for the integration and application of new knowledge into a rapidly changing world and to help the learners to connect it with their own meaning-making. We believe Transformative Learning can address such gaps.


The project’s purpose is to provide convincing knowledge about an innovative learning approach that transforms learners perspective on the fundamentals of life and their roles. It compiles theories and practices about “transformative learning” into a competence framework, a training program, a book and a blended learning course in an online learning environment. This project draws upon resources from transformative learning theory by Mezirow, constructive-developmental approach (such as in Robert Kegan), and other approaches which will be explored with qualitative research and experts interviews.


Main objectives are

  • to provide access to deeply engaging and participative learning methodologies
  • to strengthen the network of practitioners
  • provide a shared language within the transformative learning approach


Main beneficiaries of our projects are

  • adult education trainers who have a deep curiosity and passion to innovate in their learning environments towards a more transformative education, e.g.: the teaching of meta-skills, more self-directed learning, approaches that can make the students take increased responsibility for their own learning and self-construction of meaning.
  • Teachers who wish to innovate in such areas but lack the training opportunities are our primary target.

The Erasmus+ project “Building Capacity for Transformative Learning“ increases adult educators competences to use more deeply engaging learning methods in their teaching and training programs.


We are happy to share our results with you and hope that they will be beneficial for your work.

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The Team

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The team is made of five leading partners who all bring together relevant skills in transformative education:


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Activities and Methods

A blend of literature review and expert practitioners interviews will provide the context of adult transformative education, and how to design learning environments for students’ transformation (as per Mezirow’s theory). From this foundation, a Competences Framework will be created, which will list key factors and skills for a trainer of Transformative Learning. Results from such a framework will be presented to an international audience of Transformative Learning practitioners who will brainstorm multiple ideal train the trainer curriculum designs during a “Hackathon”. Informed by the Competences Framework and the Hackathon results, the project team will design a prototype curriculum Train the Trainer for our direct intended beneficiaries. The project will launch the Train the Trainer curriculum during a kickoff event, and a follow up the online learning environment for 30 motivated educators who wish to learn more about transformative education and apply such learnings to a context relevant for their work.

The blended workshop + online learning environment will steward learners through peer-feedback, formative evaluation. Each participant will create a tangible curriculum design as a final project. In conjunction with the beginning of the blended TtT workshop and online course, a course-book will be compiled and launched at a series of five parallel multiplier events, one in each project participant country, to involve a total of 205 attendees. The book on transformative education will harness insights from our previous work; it will include the Competencies Framework and ideas for practical classroom and curriculum design and will be able to stand alone as an educational tool for adult educators


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